One-on-One Personal Empowerment Coaching
Are you constantly saying YES to everyone and NO to yourself?
Anthony Butto, founder of Journey Evolution, Author, and Personal Empowerment Coach.
My passion and purpose is to be an empowerment coach to both men and women and help them recognize and embrace their value and self-worth.
If you’re anything like I was… you are
– Constantly trying to please others
– Working so hard to live up to others expectations
– Afraid to speak up
– Afraid to have an opinion (because you don’t feel like your words have any meaning or value)
– Spending all of your time & energy on making everyone else happy
There is no time for you…
You don’t even know what you like anymore … and it feels horrible…
You just want to be appreciated. You just want to feel like you have significance.
So… You’re doing ALL of these things … and you’re not being YOU, you’re losing yourself.
I get it. And you and I both know, that if this doesn’t change, it’s only going to get worse.
We know the truth when we hear it. I am offering a one-time 1 on 1 call, totally complimentary because I am so passionate about this.
Right below is a link to a quick application that helps me to get you the most value in this empowerment coaching call.
If you decide you want to do more work, I’ll let you know how you can do that, but this call is no strings attached.
I’m just going to help you get perfectly clear why this is happening and what to do about it.
So click on the link below to fill out the application and then you will be taken to my calendar to pick a time, I will call you at the time you pick.
Change is possible. You deserve better. And I am here to help you. I’ve helped clients
- Find their passion and purpose
- Build a plan to achieve their goals
- Explore the barriers that hold them back
- Reduce stress and anxiety
- Become more self-aware, living a balanced life, a life where they are enough and where saying NO is ok
- Take responsibility for their happiness and their life
- Acknowledge their accomplishments instead of focusing on their perceived short-comings
- Recognize and embrace their self-worth
Here’s what you’ll discover in your session:
- Uncover what’s been stopping you, slowing you down, or keeping your from embracing who you are
- Develop a powerful vision of how transforming your relationship to self will improve all other relationships in your life
- Discover which habits and beliefs are sabotaging your ability to deeply accept and love yourself… and what to do about it
Client Experiences
A few things were going through my head when I first started my 12 week coaching with Anthony, like I’m not sure if I am the right candidate, and I’m not sure if this will work. I very quickly realized that I was the perfect candidate. Because I was skeptical at first I made it a point to really follow all of the exercises closely and write down responses, thoughts and feelings. I decided to put my best foot forward.
As a result of putting in the effort and time to exam myself and my needs, I got more out of the program than I could have ever anticipated. The program is great for people who have lots of ideas and always plan to do this or that, but never get to all of these things for one reason or another. It’s also for people who say they don’t have time or for anyone who may need an accountability partner, or a supporter. The program is for people who don’t know how amazing they can really be.
I learned that I am not self-motivated. Despite the number of volunteer events I attend, or the number of classes I sign up for, the fact remains that when it comes to actually doing something with my life I need someone to remind me to get moving. Anthony not only became my accountability partner for 12 weeks, but he showed me steps to setting goals and actually achieving them on my own.
At the beginning of the program we set goals and used anchors to act as visual reminders throughout the day or week of those goals. We talked about the steps to get there, and set a plan in motion. As we worked toward the set goals each week we also added another layer by learning new things and digging deeper into what I needed as an individual. We discussed stress recognition and how to bring yourself down when you are stressed. We also took a look at the wheel of life, to assess what things in life were going well, and what areas I could improve upon.
The weekly exercises were important for overall satisfaction. They are a way to look at all aspects of life and look at things differently. By looking at life in a more positive light, the challenges seems less challenging, and the accomplishments are that much sweeter.
For those of you who are thinking about taking this 12 week program, I say do it! It is an amazing course that I feel is designed to teach people to nurture themselves so that they can do what makes them happy in life. After 12 weeks in the program I have decluttered my apartment, learned how to better deal with stress, and I published a book. The most important thing that I will take away from this experience is the mentality that doing something is always better than doing nothing.
Thank you for taking me through this program Coach Anthony!
Kirsten D.
Hello, my name is Ariel and my mindset goal was “Consistency.” I wasn’t sure how to describe it or how to draw an entire picture of what it would look like in the beginning but I was certain of the results I would see once I got there. Sort of…
With Coach Anthony, I was privileged with a chance to work through simple things, confusing things and just plain-ol’ things that were getting in the way of my goals. It never occurred to me that I had setup a lot of barriers for myself. Prior to the program, I was working a highly-stressful 50+hour/week job, ate fast food everyday, slept poorly and had great yearning for physical activity but dedicated little-to-no effort to make it to the gym I had been paying for well over a year without attending. So in a way, I suppose I WAS consistent…with all that drained me but with nothing that fueled me.
But Coach Anthony helped me find the answers that I didn’t know I knew. With his help, I gained clarity on what fuels me so that I can fuel others . Now, I’m eating smarter, resting longer & I even began my FIT-CONSISTENT journey during the program.
And guess who landed a new, better-paying job with a full indoor gym to support his FIT-CONSISTENT journey??
(The guy who doesn’t disrupt his journey over dress shoes & socks, that is..)
Ariel P.
It’s time to stop sacrificing yourself. Recognize and embrace your self-worth… Take back control, and live life as the person you always wanted to be.
Continue to remain that person that constantly gets taken advantage of… worried about what other people think… drifting through life with no direction or purpose… staying stuck and settling in unsatisfying relationships… bending over backwards for everyone and getting pissed on in the process… afraid to take risks and live life because you are hiding behind your fears…
But the clock is ticking. Your life is passing you by the longer you wait… and there are only so many spots available. This may very well be your last chance.
I believe there is a hidden meaning behind all events. That life is working for us not against us. If you’ve been waiting for some kind of sign for you to finally take action – this is it. Your journey begins now…
Let’s do this. Chat soon.