Been traveling down the same road in life?

Is it leading you to where you want to be?

If not, what can you do to start creating a new one?

Stop and take a minute to acknowledge the road you have been cruising down in your life and if this road is one you would like to continue to travel. If not, think about how you can begin changing course and creating the path you would like to head down.

This quote by Dolly Parton is eye opening because for many people, they often travel down a certain road in life, are not happy doing so, yet continue down the same path for years. Maybe even their whole life.  They somehow forget to realize that they can choose a different path if they really wanted to.

When it comes to the road of life, when we first start heading in a certain direction it can be exciting and new. However, how many of us take the time to stop along the way to see if this is where we want to be or to evaluate whether or not we are moving towards what we truly want?

I think after a period of time we get so caught up in our day to day that we just flip on the cruise control and continue ahead not thinking twice about the destination we once hoped to reach.

Why is that? We become complacent. We start going through the motions. It becomes routine. Even when we know we are not traveling in the right direction, whether that is in a relationship, a career, a friendship, we stay on it. We get familiar with that road and the bumps, potholes, hills, and turns that come along with it.

Even when we know we need to slam on the brakes, turn the wheel, we do not.

The common excuses might be, “It will get better,” “I’ve invested so much time,” “It’s too late to make a change now.”

You may challenge me and question if those excuses are legit. Well, I can say from experience, that there is some validity to them. I have used all of those excuses in my career and in my relationships.

If you are in a similar situation, if you are drifting down a road that you know, deep down within you, is not the right one.  I want to ask you right now.

Is it worth going down that same road even one more minute, let alone an entire year if it is going to continue to make you unhappy?

What has been keeping you there?

Be honest with yourself. There is no judgement, only curiosity.

Acknowledge whether or not it is time to start paving a new road and what you can do today to get started.

Now it’s your turn.

How does this quote inspire you?

Tell me about an experience where you allowed yourself to drift in a certain direction even though you knew it was time to change course. How long did you stay on that path?

What made you finally decide to create a new way or are you still heading down that familiar road?

Contact me or share your thoughts below in the Comments section.

Let’s get the discussion going.

Remember, you are not alone on this journey. Together we can become stronger individuals.

Educate. Engage. Evolve.