Have you ever questioned your own strength in the face of a challenge?

At the time, did you think you would ever be able to overcome it?

Pushing through that adversity, are you a stronger person now than before?

Take a few minutes to think back to those situations or challenges, where at the time, you never thought you would be able to get through it and yet now here you are. Acknowledge that you have in fact overcome that situation and you are a stronger person for it.

This quote by Rikki Rogers is powerful because how often do we forget to recognize all of those things, that at the time, we never expected we would be able to overcome yet here we are still standing. There are so many relatable instances we can be discuss from physical to financial to emotional situations. However, I think most meaningful to many people is the strength to overcome the end of a relationship.

The end of a relationship with someone who you truly cared about can be one of the most challenging times in a person’s life, no matter what age. Think back to a time when you experienced that. Can you recall how you felt in that moment? To say if felt devastating I am sure is an understatement.

In that heart crushing moment, did you ever expect you would be able to get over that? To have the strength to swim out of that sea of raging emotions, gasping for air. To muster up the power to pick up the pieces of your broken self and continue.

I think it’s safe to say that we’ve all experienced it. We’ve all been there. Yet, stop and look around right now. Look at where you are now versus back to that moment you perceived at one time as impossible to overcome.

I can remember one of those moments vividly in my mind right now. The pain I experienced within me was like a tornado ripping an oak tree effortlessly out of the ground exposing its roots to the world.

Needless to say, it hurt. The thought of being able to overcome that pain, especially in the moment, seemed like it was in a galaxy far, far away where talking robots and light sabers exist (spontaneous Star Wars reference).

Guess what? I overcame it and I am much stronger for it.

That’s where our true strength comes from. It comes from those moments, challenges, struggles, and situations where we never thought we would be able to make it through. Where the constant test of our will becomes routine and our self-doubt holds us prisoner.

So, take time now to acknowledge those times where you believed you would not persevere and how you managed to do so and the strength you gained in the process.

Now it’s your turn.

How does this quote inspire you?

Tell me about an experience, relationship or otherwise, where at the time, you never expected you would be able overcome it. How does it feel now to be able to say proudly that you did? Are you a stronger person for it? Is there anything you are battling with right now where you question your ability to move beyond it? If so, reach out.

Contact me or share your thoughts below in the Comments section.

Let’s get the discussion going.

Remember, you are not alone on this journey. Together we can become stronger individuals.

Educate. Engage. Evolve.