Are you constantly wishing the world around you would change?

Do you focus your energy on trying to change everyone else as opposed to yourself?

Are you living your life based on those same values and principles you want others to embody?

Take a minute and think about what, if any, values and qualities you would like to see other people display and determine if you are living your life in accordance to those very same values.

This quote by Mahatma Gandhi is so powerful because how many times have you heard someone complain about how the world and the people around them isn’t what they want it to be but yet they aren’t doing anything within themselves to live by their own vision.

Your outer world is a reflection of your inner world. If you want things outside of you to change, you need to first start with changing yourself. However, there are plenty of people that believe their shit don’t stink. I hear people often say there is nothing wrong with them and put the blame on everyone and everything else around them for not being what they expect them to be.

Pay close attention the next time you are at a family event, a party, out at a bar, or wherever you are and listen to what people say. Words are so powerful in deciphering how people feel about themselves when they are describing their external environment.

I remember being in New York City one year with some family during the Christmas holiday. Now, New York City in general is already a congested place. Imagine what that looks like during the holidays.  It was packed.

As we were walking through the crowds of people, someone in the group proceeds to say how everyone in the city is grumpy and miserable. However, this was coming from someone who was typically kind of a grump himself.

You project yourself, your personality, values, and beliefs onto the world around you.

Are you constantly hoping, wishing, and wanting the world and the people around you to become the best version it can be?

Imagine for a second, however, instead of hoping for change to occur in others, you lived your life in accordance to the change you wanted to see.

Think about that for a second. Think about the kind of energetic vibe you would put out then.

If you want the world to change, you need to start with the one person that you know you can directly affect and make the biggest impact… yourself.

Take a few minutes now and visualize what that change would look like. If you are already living in accordance with that vision, keep it up. If not, you can get started today.

Every day is a fresh start, a new beginning.

Be the change you wish to see.

Now it’s your turn.

How does this quote inspire you?

Tell me about an experience where you wanted the external environment and people around you to change. However, you failed to recognize that the change needed to first start with you.

Have you now started to live by the values and qualities within yourself that you wish to see in the people around you?

If you are struggling with getting clarity and need some support, reach out to me and schedule your complimentary call today.

Contact me or share your thoughts below in the Comments section.

Let’s get the discussion going.

Remember, you are not alone on this journey. Together we can become stronger individuals.

Educate. Engage. Evolve.