Do you ever try to run away from your thoughts?

Have you ever tried to hide who you are?

Do you avoid the person you see in the mirror?

Take a few minutes to think about how often you try to run away from certain thoughts in your head or avoid being yourself because you want to fit in or receive acceptance from others.

In the book, Who Says You Can’t, You Do, the author Danial Chidiac states the above quote and the minute I read it, I was able to relate to it immediately. It is so powerful yet so unrealized by many of us.

We often avoid our feelings, thoughts, and emotions with the hopes that they go away. We avoid who we truly are in an attempt to squeeze ourselves in to that rigid mold that society, family, and others want us in.

However, the avoidance tactics we use to run or hide from ourselves simply do not work. You can’t run away from something if they are there right next to your side, step for step.

So what can you do to shake away whatever it is inside your mind that you are trying to outrun? Well, maybe it is time you confront it. Then you can begin to accept and resolve as opposed to run and hide.

I know it’s easy to say than to do. I get it. Take comfort in knowing, however, that I played the run and hide game too. It doesn’t work. Even if you do manage to get ahead or find that perfect hiding spot, having that constant feeling of having to look over your shoulder will eventually wear you down.

Ask yourself now, what is it exactly that you are running from?

Stop. Write it down. See it staring back at you. Do not judge it. Be curious. Be inquisitive.

Realize it cannot hurt you anymore because you are choosing to take back your personal power right now. You are taking back the power you allowed it to have. The chase is over.

When I stopped running from my insecurities, my flaws, my negative self-perception, it was like a surge of energy rushed to me. I began to get to know that person I was running from and realized there was nothing wrong with that person to begin with.

I turned that game of run and hide in to a game of getting to know you and, although, it may sound cheesy, it was a much easier game to play.

So, I ask you again…

What is it exactly that you are running from?

Is it as bad as you think?

We all go through struggles. We all suffer losses and faces challenges. Getting knocked down, shoved back, pushed aside are all a part of life.

However, you get to choose what you do next.

Now it’s your turn.

How does this quote inspire you?

Tell me about an experience where you were constantly running from that person you saw in the mirror and what happened when you finally faced them. Are you still running? Are you still hiding? Reach out.

Contact me or share your thoughts below in the Comments section.

Let’s get the discussion going.

Remember, you are not alone on this journey. Together we can become stronger individuals.

Educate. Engage. Evolve.