Have you survived a past struggle that has made you stronger?

Have you been through a hardship in your life that has changed you in a positive way?

Have you overcome a traumatic event that has now unlocked your true potential?

Think about some of the struggles, hardships, or challenges you have overcome in your life and the positive effect it produced. Think about how, through that adversity, you have reached a new level in your personal growth.

It was shortly after the end of a recent relationship when I came across this passage in the book “Think and Grow Rich” by Napoleon Hill.  Hill goes on to discuss how going through heart breaking struggles and disappointment; we are able to recognize a greater version of ourselves, like an “arrival.”

This is a powerful statement because it was not until I made it out of that cold, dark forest I felt lost in for quite a few years that I was able to discover my “other” self.

Going through that stormy time in my life was certainly easy. I believe, however, if I had not persevered, I wouldn’t be the same person connecting with you right now.

It’s after the heavy rains begin to subside and the sun starts to shine through, when a rainbow forms.

So let me ask you, did your focus change after your struggle? How do you see things differently now than before? How do you feel now that you’ve made it through that hardship?

Do you have a new sense of purpose?

For me, I didn’t realize what my purpose was until I made it out of that cold, dark forest I referenced earlier. Up until then, I didn’t even know what having a purpose meant.

You may feel stuck in that forest right now, still looking for a way out.

Whatever you may be going through at this moment, I can assure you that there are better days to come. When they do, you will be like a caterpillar busting out of a cocoon.

Life is learning. Life is growing.

What may be a struggle for you now will be a new strength for you in the future.

Now it’s your turn.

How does this quote inspire you?

Tell me about a time where you experienced that feeling of being lost with no way out. When you finally did, were you able to discover your other self?

How has that improved your life today?

If you are feeling stuck right now, reach out.

Contact me or share your thoughts below in the Comments section.

Let’s get the discussion going.

Remember, you are not alone on this journey. Together we can become stronger individuals.

Educate. Engage. Evolve.