Have you ever missed out on a job or career opportunity because you waited too long to take action?

Are have you been holding out for the “right one” to show up in order to experience that special relationship while passing on interacting with so many great people?

Take a few minutes and recall an opportunity or maybe several that you have allowed to pass you by, whether in professional capacity or in a relationship.

This quote by William Arthur Ward is a great reminder for people to take action and not allow themselves to remain stuck in a hold pattern waiting around for that right moment. So many people avoid taking action with the assumption there will always be another chance.

Does this resonate with you?

As this quote suggests when comparing opportunities to sunrises, yes typically there is more than one. However, if you are someone who tends to skip out on one or two, chances are you more likely going to pass on many.

In addition, if you are not even taking a second to recognize those opportunities in front of you, you will definitely continue to let them slip by.

Think about how many times you have heard, in some similar fashion, someone say:

  • If I decided to invest my money in the stock market at [enter some random date here] I would be so wealthy.
  • If I only asked that person out who knows what would have happened.
  • I wish I decided to pursue that skill or hobby that I always wanted to learn.

What do all of those instances have in common? One word… Regret.

There will be a time, as cold as it may sound, that you will run out of sunrises. In that moment, do you want to look back with regret? Would you rather acknowledge and accept the fact that maybe you did miss a few things by waiting but you don’t have to do that anymore.

Right now, you are the youngest you will ever be. So, let me ask you, is it worth continuing to wait or hold out for some perfect moment while time continues to move forward?

Yes, opportunities will come and go. However, it’s what you do or not does that will make the difference.

Think about what you can do in the next 24 hours to take advantage of the opportunities all around you and take action. Start that business. Ask that person out on a date. Learn that skill. Follow your passions.

Because in the end, when those sunrises reduce to zero, regret is the last thing you want to look back on.

Now it’s your turn.

How does this quote inspire you?

Tell me about an experience where you sat back far too long avoiding taking action and, because of that, you missed that opportunity that was standing in front of you.

How has that changed your approach to live now?

Are you now quick to take action or are you still struggling to take that first step?

Contact me or share your thoughts below in the Comments section.

Let’s get the discussion going.

Remember, you are not alone on this journey. Together we can become stronger individuals.

Educate. Engage. Evolve.