Are you stuck in your comfort zone?

Do you want to make a change in your life?

Are you too afraid to take a risk?

If you desire a change in your life but refuse to leave your comfort zone and take a chance, you can’t expect that change to happen. It’s not until you take that step outside your comfort where all of the good stuff happens.

This quote by Roy T. Bennett should be a wake-up call for anyone who feels stuck yet doesn’t do anything differently to get unstuck. As long as you stay in your comfort zone, repeating the same patterns and routines every day, the change you want will not happen. It’s not like you will be home sitting on your couch, hear a knock at the door… As you open it, someone hands you a package with the word “Change” on it; And all you have to do is open it, at your convenience of course, and BOOM!

Sorry, it doesn’t really work like that. You actually need to take a step beyond the normal daily grind that is keeping you trapped in that holding pattern. You can’t make changes in your life if you keep spinning in the same spot over and over again.

Each morning in the gym, after my workout, I spend about 10-15 minutes jumping rope. If you don’t often do it or haven’t tried it since you were a kid, I highly recommend it. It is great for cardio and causes minimal impact on the joints.

One morning, in particular, I had just finished up with my weight routine and I was about to head off to another section of the gym to jump rope. On my way there, I noticed a female friend, who I’ve been recently interacting with, resting over in the corner.

I walked up to her, asked her if she was ready to step outside of you her comfort zone and come jump rope with me. Now, I will be completely honest, I was not expecting her to take me up on that challenge. Sure enough, however, she did. (Tip for the guys… get a jump rope!)

Not only did I step outside of my own comfort zone, asking her to come join me, she did too by coming along. Think of how easy it would have been, for either of us, to remain in our normal holding pattern.

Although that’s what most people tend to do. Being afraid to take a risk and switch things up will get you exactly what you’ve been getting… the same thing.

So, if you are hiding in your comfort zone, what is one thing you can do in the next 24 hours to take a step outside your comfy, cozy, space and take a risk?

As I mentioned before, it’s when you step outside of your comfort zone is when all of the good stuff happens.

Now it’s your turn.

How does this quote inspire you?

Tell me about a time where you wanted some type of change in your life but you were reluctant to get out of your comfort zone. By staying there, did that change ever occur?

For those times that you did manage to step out of your comfort zone, what happened?

If you are having a hard time getting out of your own way but are still looking to make some changes in your life, reach out to me.

Contact me or share your thoughts below in the Comments section.

Let’s get the discussion going.

Remember, you are not alone on this journey. Together we can become stronger individuals.

Educate. Engage. Evolve.