How do you handle fear?

What are you scared of doing?

Is there a certain story you are telling yourself about that fear?

Take a few minutes to think about what you have been afraid of doing and what specifically scares you about it or what is holding you back.

This quote by Susan Jeffers is so true but I bet many people never actually face their fear and take action. Most people “turtle up” and crawl back in to their comfort zone. You know… That warm, safe place where you feel nothing can harm you or challenge you with new or unfamiliar experiences. The problem is though that by staying in your comfort zone and avoiding the fear it will never go away.

Avoidance only adds strength to that fear. While you remain in your comfort zone, fear builds a wall around you, quietly and strategically. The longer you avoid it, the thicker that wall gets, the harder it becomes to break through it.

I avoided fear for many years… and it was not just one. It was fear of rejection, fear of criticism, sprinkle in some fear of failure, even fear of success. I think at some point, early in my life, I bought the “Platinum” package because my fear included all of the channels. It was definitely not the basic level service.

One fear I have been overcoming lately is the fear of criticism, especially around doing video.

It was about two weeks ago when I recorded my first Facebook Live video. I wanted to do one for a several weeks prior but was too scared to do it. Some of you might think, “Well, that is not so scary.”

Uh, for me, it was.

That fear of what people might think, how would I sound, how would I look, etc. started building up inside me. The best part about all of it was that I actually wanted to record the video talking about fear yet I was letting fear prevent me from doing it.  Ironic, huh?

I finally just said screw it, time for me to step up and conquer this. I set up my little camera tripod, hit record, and off I went.

I am not going to lie. I was scared, especially when I was sitting there talking for about ten minutes and no one was jumping on to watch. Facebook loves to make you sit there for a while before they decide to tell anyone.

Finally, my best bud and my sister joined in but that was pretty much it. I then rambled on for ten or fifteen more minutes more before I decided to tap out. After it was over I shouted, “I did it!” I recorded my first Facebook Live video ever and it was not as scary as I had built it up to be. In addition, doing that first one built my confidence to do a second and a third video since then.

I began to weaken my fear by doing what scared me as opposed to continuing to avoid it.

When you are able to do that, you start to increase your personal power and fear does not stand a chance.

I challenge you. What scares you and what are you doing about it?

Now it’s your turn.

How does this quote inspire you?

Tell me about an experience where fear kept you prisoner in your comfort zone. Were you able to break past its scare tactics? Is it still keeping you hostage?

Contact me or share your thoughts below in the Comments section.

Let’s get the discussion going.

Remember, you are not alone on this journey. Together we can become stronger individuals.

Educate. Engage. Evolve.