Are you grateful?

Do you appreciate what you have instead of focusing on what you do not have?

Is your outlook coming from a place of abundance or from a fear of scarcity?

Take some time to appreciate everything around you, the people in your life, the friendships, the accomplishments, the experiences, and the external things you have right now.

This quote by Anthony Robbins helps us realize that even though we may have goals we are striving for or there may be things we want that we wished we had, it’s important to be grateful for everything we already do have.

Gratitude can transform the fear of scarcity to a feeling of abundance.

One evening I was sitting at my computer, trying to come up with additional strategies on how I can make a bigger impact and touch the lives of more people. I was getting a bit frustrated because I was nowhere near the goals I had set for myself and I was starting to think I would never attain them.

Now, I want to point out that although I had been working on Journey Evolution for about six months prior, the official launch of both the website and book was only about two weeks in.

Two weeks. That’s it.

Yet I was feeling a sense of lacking. I was looking at it in terms of what I do not have as opposed to what I have and forgot to recognize and appreciate at that very moment while sitting at my computer:

  • I was wearing one of the T-shirts that I had created with my website logo on it.
  • My paperback book that I wrote sitting on the table next to me. It still feels a bit unreal.
  • There is coaching a guy who is going through a rough relationship who thinks the world of me
  • I am engaging with like-minded people on my Facebook page
  • I have a website that I designed myself!
  • So many amazing people have entered my life over the course of only just a few months that have supported me along the way.
  • I have heard my dad tell me he is proud of me more times in the last few weeks then I can recall hearing in many years.

A year ago, none of this would have existed…

Six months none of this would have existed…

This is by no means my poor attempt at creating a bragging list. This is by no means something to use as a comparison to others.

It simply is me changing my outlook and being grateful for all that I have and for what I have been able to accomplish. It is easy to take what we have for granted.

When we are grateful, we can shift that fear of scarcity and come from a place of abundance.

I try to make this a practice in my daily life, whether that is writing down a few things I am grateful for each day or just spending a few minutes at the end of the day to reflect upon all that I’m thankful for.

If you are reading this right now on your laptop or cell phone, I am sure you already have an abundant life as well, so take a second or two to shine some light on it.

Now it’s your turn.

How does this quote inspire you?

Tell me about an experience where you overlooked what you have around you because you were stuck with a fear of scarcity or fear or lacking.

How did you change your mindset? How did you feel once you were able to make that change?

Contact me or share your thoughts below in the Comments section.

Let’s get the discussion going.

Remember, you are not alone on this journey. Together we can become stronger individuals.

Educate. Engage. Evolve.