Do you find yourself caught up in the same type of unhealthy relationships?
Are you coming across the same roadblocks in your business?
Are you finding yourself feeling stuck and not sure what to do?
Take some time to recognize if you’ve perhaps experienced a repeating pattern in either your relationships, friendships, with your health, or business. What has the experience been like each time and are you able to uncover what it is you need to learn from this?
This quote by Pema Chödrön offers the perspective of how life is working for you in a way, not to hold you back but to help you grow. Your experiences happen for a reason and that is to teach you something. However, if you fail to learn that lesson, what happens? It’s going to keep coming back around, slapping you in the face a little bit harder each time until you finally get it.
A prime example of this is within our relationships. This is near and dear to my heart because for many years my own personal experiences have been trying to tell me, “Hey, this hasn’t been working for you. Do you want to keep going down this road or wake up and learn from this?”
I can tell you based on my journey I kept going down that road for a while. It took me some time to figure out what I was supposed to learn from those instances.
Maybe you’ve been travelling down a similar path, experiencing the same types of situations, but still unsure of what it is specifically that you are supposed to learn. Perhaps you might already have realized what the pattern has been. You know what it is that keeps showing up in an unhealthy way.
Does any of this resonate with you?
If so, how can you grow from this? What needs to change in order to break the cycle?
It starts with self-reflection.
It’s being able to step back and recognize what is going on. More importantly, however, is to accept it. Acceptance is vital. Acceptance then opens the door to the next step being what are you going to do about it?
It’s the ability to say, “Oh snap! I keep attracting this same type of person in my life or I’m experiencing this same negative situation over and over again. Now that I’ve noticed what’s going on, I accept it, and now get to choose how I going to be moving forward?”
You do all of this with curiosity, no judgment. This is not about beating yourself up or blaming anyone else. It’s about understanding yourself, learning, and growing stronger in the process.
So take some time to check in with yourself. See what, if any, unhealthy patterns perhaps keep popping up in an area of your life. Accept it and uncover what it is specifically you need to learn so you can become a better version of you for you and everyone else in your life.
Now it’s your turn.
How does this quote inspire you?
Tell me about an experience where you recognized a re-occurring pattern or behavior in perhaps one or more areas of your life. What was it? Have you made any changes to break that pattern? Or are you still struggling to determine exactly what it is you need to learn?
If you are ready to get the support in becoming the best version of you, sign up for your Empowerment Coaching Complimentary Call today.
Contact me or share your thoughts below in the Comments section.
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Remember, you are not alone on this journey. Together we can become stronger individuals.
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