Are you able to let go of the things that no longer serve you?

On the other hand, are you still holding on to something you know is not beneficial?

By holding on tight, are you allowing any room for new, positive experiences to enter?

Take a few minutes and think about anything that you may still be holding on to that is no longer serving you in a positive way. It could be a bad habit, past experience, old belief, or an unhealthy relationship. Are any of those coming up for you where you know it is time to let go?

This quote by Roy T. Bennett sheds light on the importance of letting go of all of those negative things that may still be weighing you down or holding you back so you can create room for more abundance to enter your life.

Think about a room in your house. As you look around that room, you recognize it desperately needs some updating and improvement. However, before that can happen, you need to move out the old stuff before you can bring in the new. You need to clear out the clutter. Would you agree?

Well, that scenario is also true to life. In order to move forward and create new experiences, you need to do the same with all of those things that may be getting in your way, keeping you stuck.

You may be asking, “What do you mean specifically? What is it exactly that I need to clear out?”

As I mentioned earlier, it could be a number for things that may be time for you to let go. Here are some examples:

Past Pain 

If you are still holding on to negative events from the past, it will be hard to create fresh, positive ones in the future. There is no room for you to experience those new moments if the past ones are occupying all of your mental space.

Bad Habits

I am not going to go in to all of the various habits that I think are good or bad. I think you are well aware of which ones serve you and which ones do you more harm than good. It is time you recognize them and remove those no longer serving you so you can begin to create new, supportive ones rather than destructive ones.

Old Beliefs

Whether you have the belief you are too old to start something new or that you cannot do something, those old beliefs do not serve you in a positive way. It’s time to let go of those. Clear them out and make room for some new supportive ones to help move you forward. Remember, you are what you believe. You get to choose.

Unhealthy Relationships

If you are in a relationships that is causing you more stress and pain rather than complimenting and beautifying your life then it is time to cut the cord. You will not be able to experience a nourishing relationship with someone if you stay stuck in a toxic one with someone else.

I ask you again, which is it for you? Are there any negative things in your life that you need to let go of in order to make room for new, positive things?

Now it’s your turn.

How does this quote inspire you?

Tell me about a time where you possibly held on too long to something that no longer benefited you and it prevented any new experiences from entering your life. What did you do to let go and move forward? If you are still holding on to something, what can you do starting today to begin to clear out that clutter?

Contact me or share your thoughts below in the Comments section.

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Remember, you are not alone on this journey. Together we can become stronger individuals.

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