Do you live your life based on other people’s opinions?

Are you constantly relying on how others view you versus your own self-perception?

Do you live your life true to yourself?

Take a moment and examine how you live your life. Determine if your life revolves around what others think of you or if it is in alignment with your values and beliefs.

This quote by Shannon L. Alder touches the core of something that keeps so many people from their own self-acceptance and that is allowing other people’s opinions to maintain a strangle hold on how they view themselves.

Does that resonate with you? Is that something you are struggling with currently?

Imagine for a moment living a life where it no longer mattered to you what other people thought of you. How would it feel? Would you feel a sense of freedom or relief?

As we go through life, we become wrapped up in how others view us and we hold on to it. We carry that weight as if without we could not survive. We then try to twist and contort to a mold created by an external perception rather than allowing ourselves to be the individual that feels most comfortable to us.

By doing so, we lose sight of who we really are, relying on the acceptance of others to help us through instead of simply accepting ourselves as we once did when we were kids.

Do you remember being a kid?

We were free of the judgments, opinions, and criticisms of others. None of it mattered because we were simply being ourselves and that’s what was most important. However, as we grew up, our perception shifted from self-acceptance to the need of acceptance from others. That need blinds us from the self-acceptance that once flowed so freely within us.

How can we get that back?

It starts by realizing that no matter what anyone thinks of you, it is only a perception of you, which is based on someone else’s life experience, it is not truth. With that said, to live a life in accordance with all of those different viewpoints would be insane, right.

If that has been your reality, start shifting your focus to the acceptance of yourself. Rediscover who you are and live a life in accordance to you.

Now it’s your turn.

How does this quote inspire you?

Tell me about an experience where you allowed your life to be dictated by others thoughts and opinions and how has that affected your well-being? Are you still struggling with this today or have you managed to let go of all of that noise and live in alignment with yourself?

Contact me or share your thoughts below in the Comments section.

Let’s get the discussion going.

Remember, you are not alone on this journey. Together we can become stronger individuals.

Educate. Engage. Evolve.