Are you constantly trying to please everyone?

Have you been sacrificing yourself in the process?

What will happen if this doesn’t change?

If you are always trying to please others, take some time and ask yourself what it’s really about and how it’s making you feel. Determine what your intention is for always trying to make everyone happy and are you hurting yourself because of it.

This quote by Jocelyn Murray sheds light on a hard truth that many people often ignore. They see trying to please others as a kind and loving gesture. However, what tends to happen is they lose connection to who they are by doing so. They lose their individual identity.

If you find yourself, caught up in the trap of always giving to others, trying to make everyone else happy, slow down and ask yourself why you are doing this.

Maybe you feel that if you give, give, give you will get the same in return but that doesn’t happen, does it. So what do you do? You sacrifice yourself by giving even more but it is never enough and never ending.

What is it costing you by doing this? What I mean by that is what is it costing you mentally, physically, emotionally, even financially?

As someone who has been there, I could tell you it left me feeling angry, resentful, unappreciated, and unhappy. It also left me in a state of not knowing who I was. I mean you can’t learn about yourself if your focus is always on pleasing other people.

Would you agree it’s hard to be yourself if constantly catering to everyone else’s wants and needs?

A common response is that, “If I take time for myself or if I take care of myself that would be considered selfish?”

That is so far from the truth. Think about this… how can you be the best version of you, knowing who you are, what you like, what you want, if you trying to please everyone else drains you?

You can’t. There is never any time for you to get to know and appreciate the number one person in your life… you.

By letting go of the need to please everyone you can finally nourish the parts within you that have been longing for attention and your self-acceptance can begin to grow.

Get to know yourself and acknowledge your worth. You don’t need everyone to like you and that’s ok. When you live a life true to yourself and your values, you can give from a place of love and self-acceptance rather than fear.

Now it’s your turn.

How does this quote inspire you?

Tell me about an experience where you were constantly trying to please everyone around you. How did that make you feel? How much of yourself did you have to sacrifice in the process?

Were you able to let go of this people-pleasing behavior or are you still struggling with it?

If you need some support, reach out.

Contact me or share your thoughts below in the Comments section.

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Remember, you are not alone on this journey. Together we can become stronger individuals.

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