Has there ever been a time in your life where you resisted change?

Do you look at change with the belief that nothing good ever comes from it?

How do you typically approach change in your life today?

Take a few minutes to think about a time in your life where you resisted changing an aspect of yourself or life situation simply because you were either scared or weren’t sure what the outcome would be.

This quote by Peter M. Senge is so true because I believe that when it comes to change, we become so rigid and resistant to anything that will impact our old ways of thinking, believing, or doing.

I recently experienced this the other morning in the gym. Prior to leaving, I had a brief conversation with one of the trainers who worked there, discussing different exercises and routines. The next thing I knew, he challenged me to try his workout the following morning. Change was coming straight at me, barreling down the tracks like a runaway freight train.

My immediate reactions were:

  • I don’t want to.
  • I’m not ready.
  • No, I like my current workouts (that I’ve done over and over again for probably over five years).

I was spitting out every possible excuse as to why not to do it, resisting change with every fiber of my being. The funny thing was, I was completely aware of it.

I started to realize this guy was willing to take the time to come in, on his day off, at seven in the morning, to train me. He didn’t have to and certainly was not obligated to. He fully believed, however, that he could help push me past the same old results I’ve experienced for years and advance me to the next level, physically, as well as mentally.

In addition, I realized that I cannot encourage and coach people to change their old habits and beliefs if I was not willing to change myself as well.

So, what do you think happened next?

Challenge accepted!

The next morning arrived.  It had snowed overnight and when I looked outside, there were over two inches of fresh snow on the ground and it was still coming down.

I could have once again easily resisted change and jumped back in to my warm, comfy bed. But I didn’t.

I managed to clean off my car and head to the gym, hoping it was closed due to the weather (still resisting change).  The gym was open.

So, I went inside, dusted off, and started to look around for my trainer, who wasn’t there yet. As I began wishing he wouldn’t show up so I could start doing my old workout routine, he walks through the door with a big grin on his face.

I knew at that moment it was fully on!

It was now time for me to step in the ring and kick my resistance to change straight in the ass.

I completed everything he threw at me with no complaining or arguing. The only thing I remember saying was “What’s next?”

Instead of constantly resisting, I finally opened the door to change.

Not only was he so impressed with my effort and determination to succeed, I was so proud of myself for breaking through that brick wall of resistance.

I now have a completely new exercise routine to incorporate within my workouts. I’m challenging myself in a fresh, new way which will help me push through old plateaus in my training. I’ve also gained a bit more confidence in knowing that when I experience the change resistance in other aspects of my life, I have the mental strength to move beyond it.

Oh, and I’ve already scheduled additional training sessions.

Change will happen.

It will come at you unexpectedly.

Therefore, it’s up to you to stop resisting that change, be open to it, and allow it to evolve you in to a stronger person.

Now it’s your turn.

How does this quote inspire you?

What change(s) are you resisting in your life currently?

Tell me about a time in your life where you have been resistant to change. Were you able to overcome it and allow it in?

Is there is anything you are dealing with right now? Are you able to lean in to it or is there still resistance holding you back?

Contact me or share your thoughts below in the Comments section.

Let’s get the discussion going.

Remember, you are not alone on this journey. Together we can become stronger individuals.

Educate. Engage. Evolve.