Waiting for that perfect moment to start something?

Unable to enjoy your life because you have yet to achieve some form of future status?

Expecting happiness to arrive at your front door, delivered by some perceived life situation?

Think back to when you held off from experiencing something because you were waiting for that future point in time to give you the thumbs up to move forward. Did that time ever arrive or are you still waiting for it?

I hate to be the one to break it to you but there will never be that “perfect” time.

There will never be that moment when you see the clouds part directly above you, as bright, warm rays of sunlight come shining down, while you hear a choir singing and trumpets playing in the background, as if being announced at some royal event; and a messenger comes riding along on a unicorn and says, “You may now begin.”

Ok, maybe that was a bit over-exaggerated, but you get the idea.

That is why this quote by Napoleon Hill is so powerful. An initial interpretation of the quote can be relating it to a specific project or task. I would like to take this concept a bit deeper and apply it to other aspects of our lives as well.

The concept of this quote demonstrates how easily it crushes any excuse we use to avoid doing something because of fear or uncertainty. It challenges our belief that we cannot enjoy life until we have achieved some level of success, as defined by each of us. It also dismisses any attempt of us trying to equate our sense of happiness to an external situation.

Here are a few example scenarios. Try to relate each concept to a facet of your own life.

I will:

  • Go back to school when I have more time to focus on studying.
  • Enjoy my life once my business grows to (insert your defined level of success).
  • Be happy when I meet Mr. or Miss Right.

So, would you say the answer to all of these statements is true?

I don’t know. Maybe.

You see, there is only one problem. There is no guarantee any of those things will happen.

What if:

  • The time to focus on studying never arrives, does that mean you will never go back to school?
  • Your business never grows to the level of your defined success, will you never enjoy your life?
  • You never meet that “right” partner, will you never be happy?

Don’t wait any longer.

Trust me, I know! Take it from someone that spent years, waiting for that “perfect” moment to arrive (check out my story here).

There will never be a good time, the right moment, or a perfect situation.

Now is the future of yesterday, of a month ago, of the year before.

Decide on what you can do today that will help you achieve whatever you’ve been waiting for and take action!

That could be dedicating the time you need to continue your education, or realizing that you can enjoy life by appreciating what you already have while still striving to be better, or discovering happiness from within you.

Remember, you do not need to be perfect but you do need to start because what you do today will affect your tomorrow.

Now it’s your turn.

How does this quote inspire you?

Tell me about an experience where you have been waiting for that right time or perfect moment. What was it you are waiting for to happen? Has it happened? If not, what will you do today to change that?

Contact me or share your thoughts below in the Comments section.

Let’s get the discussion going.

Remember, you are not alone on this journey. Together we can become stronger individuals.

Educate. Engage. Evolve.