Do you fall victim to other people’s opinions of you?

Are you allowing someone else’s beliefs to affect you negatively?

Do you take other people’s comments about you too personally?

Think about that for a minute. How many times have you allowed another person’s view of you to take precedence over your own?

This quote by Eleanor Roosevelt taps in to something that most of us do not stop to think about or ever recognize. When someone projects their opinion of who they think we are, we tend to allow that opinion to strangle us. We allow it to make us feel that we are a lesser version of who we truly are.

I know I have. I am not ashamed to admit it and I used to give my consent to others on a daily basis. However, with time, patience, and awareness, I have been able to break that pattern.

Do I still let it happen today? Yes, on occasion, I might have a weak moment and allow it. I am not perfect. However, I am able to snap back to my senses eventually like when a dazed boxer takes a few sniffs of those smelling salts. I regain my mental alertness and realize what is going on.

This is something I have definitely been working on a lot lately, especially the past few months. I have been doing quite a few videos, both live and recorded, and being in front of the camera does not always come easy for me.

If I chose to allow other people to injure me by the verbal bullets of their opinionated machine guns, I probably would have stopped recording videos before I even started.

You see, most of us simply want to fit in so we allow ourselves to succumb to the judgements, opinions, or beliefs of others. However, all that really does is restrict and limit our true self and our personal power.

Think about it, what makes someone more special or more valuable than you? Nothing.

Last time I checked, we are all imperfect humans with varying opinions, beliefs, and characteristics.

So, why would we allow someone else’s view to make us feel any less?

There is no valid reason other than to want to fit in to some predefined mold determined by others.

If you have been giving consent to others, would you agree it is now time to stop and take back your personal power?

Know your value. Love yourself.

Now it’s your turn.

How does this quote inspire you?

Tell me about an experience where you gave your consent to feel inferior due to someone else’s opinion, comment, or judgement. How did you manage to move past it? Are you still allowing this and what can you do to change that?

Contact me or share your thoughts below in the Comments section.

Let’s get the discussion going.

Remember, you are not alone on this journey. Together we can become stronger individuals.

Educate. Engage. Evolve.