Do you often ask for other’s opinions?

If so, how do you react if their opinion is not what you expected?

Are you able to keep your composure no matter what the response?

Think about how often you allow the opinions of others to affect your emotions. It could be something you did not want to hear or were not expecting to hear which caused a negative reaction within you.

This quote by Lailah Gifty Akita is an important one to remember because we often allow other people’s opinions dictate our emotions. The interesting thing about opinions, however, is that everyone has one and it does not necessarily mean it is right.

We often ask for people’s opinions to help us navigate through life, especially from those we care about and are close to us. At times, we get those opinions even when we do not ask for them.

The important thing to remember is the context of where those opinions are coming from.

Opinions are a product of one’s thoughts, beliefs, experiences, insecurities, and fears. Opinions may also include the interests of the one giving them.

Let’s face the facts, opinions can be extremely helpful but they can also be hurtful and mean, even when coming from the people we trust.

When you hear something, you do not like or offends you, what happens to your emotional state?

It leads to Negative Town, right.

The minute negative emotions set in making good decisions goes right out the window.

How many times has someone said something to you and you were like “WTF?! That was rude.” Their response was “I was just giving you my opinion.”

Well, of course they were. That opinion, though, consists of all the components I mentioned earlier. It is a projection of their inner map.

Understanding their origin, however, will allow you to evaluate the information coming in without letting your emotions take over and run the show.

So the next time you ask for someone’s opinion or happen to get one without asking and you hear the words, “I think… or… You should,” remember it is coming from that person’s point of view. It does not mean it is right or wrong. However, you can be better prepared at handling it as opposed to offended or upset by it.

Keeping your composure will avoid the negative pitfalls in your emotional state allowing you to make better decisions overall.

Now it’s your turn.

How does this quote inspire you?

Tell me about an experience where someone gave you their opinion and, thinking they were helping you, all it did for you was make you feel horrible. How did you handle it? What can you do next time when experiencing a similar situation?

Contact me or share your thoughts below in the Comments section.

Let’s get the discussion going.

Remember, you are not alone on this journey. Together we can become stronger individuals.

Educate. Engage. Evolve.