Do you take the time to love yourself?

Are you constantly looking for that love from other people?

Are you able to provide yourself with the love you crave?

Take a minute to examine whether you are taking the time to love yourself or if you are trying to get that love externally. If you’ve attempted to acquire love solely from other people, has it led you down a road of unhealthy relationships?

When you are able to love yourself in the same way that you want to receive that love from others, you come from a place of abundance rather than scarcity. You don’t need it, you want it. You are no longer trying to fill a void within you but rather enhance whom you already are.

However, how many people approach love that way? For many, they approach love as something that needs to be acquired or attained with the help of someone else. When you do that, you rely solely on that other person. That is a heavy burden to put on anyone.

I often hear from so many people how they are either unsatisfied or unhappy in their relationships and it’s because they rely solely on the other person to get the love that they want.

If you are now wondering how to change that, let’s start by using something called reverse engineering. In technical terms, what that means is taking apart an object to see how it works in order to duplicate or enhance the object.

In terms of the love you want, let’s begin to uncover what that looks like for you. A great way to help discover what that might be is to look at it in terms of the five love languages. If you are not familiar with the book, The Five Love Languages by Gary Chapman, I suggest you go check it out HERE.

I’m not going to go in to the detail of all of the love languages here but it could be that you crave attention, physical touch, loving affirmations, etc. Whatever it is for you, think about how you can begin to love yourself in such a way without the need of others.

You might ask, “What is the best way to start doing that?”

The answer: Start dating yourself!

When was the last time you did something to nourish yourself?

Say, you are constantly looking for attention from others. Spend some time doing something that you love to do. It could be a hobby or an unpursued passion. Alternatively, if you are someone who requires physical affection, make it a priority to treat yourself to a relaxing massage. Even simply placing your hand on your heart for ten to fifteen minutes works miracles for your soul. Try it now.

When you can love yourself the way you want to be loved, you are able to have more fulfilling relationships because you are coming from a place of wanting to give as opposed trying to get.

So make it a point to start dating yourself!

Now it’s your turn.

How does this quote inspire you?

Tell me about an experience where you were wanted love from someone and when you didn’t receive it, it left you feeling empty. Had you been neglecting to give that love to yourself? How did that affect your relationship?

Are you able to love yourself now the way to want to be loved by others?

Contact me or share your thoughts below in the Comments section.

Let’s get the discussion going.

Remember, you are not alone on this journey. Together we can become stronger individuals.

Educate. Engage. Evolve.