Be The One Person You Know How to Be… Yourself

Do you fear rejection? Are you often trying to live up to other people’s expectations? Are you afraid of being who you are? Take some time and ask yourself if you are living in alignment with who you are or are have you allowed the external noise of others around you to dictate that [...]

By |2018-02-09T17:49:17+00:00February 19th, 2018|Inspirational|0 Comments

You Are a Product of Your Decisions, Not Your Circumstances

Are you playing a victim in the story that is your life? Do you blame others for your current situation? Are you taking action to change that story or allowing others to dictate it for you? Take a minute and answer those questions honestly with no judgment. If you said yes to any or [...]

By |2018-01-28T19:31:43+00:00February 12th, 2018|Inspirational|0 Comments

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