Are you spending time improving yourself or criticizing others?

Do you focus on taking action on becoming a better you?

Are you letting the accomplishments of others distract you from your own personal growth?

Take a few minutes to think about what you focus on. Is it the improvement of yourself or the criticism of others that you devote your time? If you are in fact spending time criticizing others, begin shifting that focus on yourself.

This quote by Roy T. Bennett requires you to take a step back and take an honest look at where your focus is. I think many people spend so much of their time focused on what other people are doing or not doing that they do not use their valuable time improving themselves.

It is easier to turn our attention to those around us and criticize their actions than to shed light on what is going on internally. Avoidance is often one of our favorite tools when it comes to our own inner struggles. However, when we criticize others, it is an attempt to make ourselves feel better about whatever it is we are too afraid to deal with.

In addition, not only are you hurting those you are judging but you are also hurting yourself by ignoring your inner turmoil.

Instead, spend your time working on yourself, on improving yourself, on becoming the best version of you that you can be.  When you do, there will be no need to worry about others and the things they are doing.

Their actions will no longer be a concern of yours because you are working on your own personal growth and turning your energy and attention to yourself.

When you do that, it becomes a liberating experience because now you are taking control of your actions and judging or criticizing others in an attempt to self-soothe fades away.

So, if you are still stuck in that judgement mode, what can you do to make that positive shift and start turning your focus on yourself?

Make a list of all the things that you can be doing that will make an impact in your life, narrow it down to the top three, the pick the number one, and get to work.

Now it’s your turn.

How does this quote inspire you?

Tell me about an experience where your focus was on criticizing other people and not focused on your own personal growth. How did it make you feel, better or worse?

If you have not been working on improving yourself, what is the one thing you can start today that will help change your focus and drop that judgement mentality?

Contact me or share your thoughts below in the Comments section.

Let’s get the discussion going.

Remember, you are not alone on this journey. Together we can become stronger individuals.

Educate. Engage. Evolve.