Are you feeling stuck whether in your job, a relationship, or just day-to-day life?

What I mean by feeling stuck is that you are constantly complaining about a situation, you are feeling overwhelmed on a daily basis, or that your life isn’t what you thought or hoped it would be.

You feel lost or confused and not sure what to do next. It is like being trapped in quicksand and unable to move. You truly want to move. You know you need to move… but you simply can’t.

The Reasons Why You Feel Stuck and What Needs to Happen to Move Forward

1. You are living in the past.

When you are constantly living in the past, you think any future movement forward will result in the same outcome based on past pain. You are allowing your past negative experiences to predict how you think it will be in the future.

The problem with this scenario is that the past does not equal the future unless you continue to live there. Until you realize you cannot move forward while staring in the rearview mirror you will remain in a stuck state. Plus, you are a different person now than you were yesterday, a week ago, a year ago.

2. Your current thinking about yourself is holding you back.

If you are always thinking you are not good enough, not smart enough, too young, too old, no matter what it is, you will continue stay exactly where you are. You will stay stuck.

Those negative thoughts you have day in and day out turn in to your beliefs. If you believe you can’t do something then you won’t do it.

Until you recognize that you get to choose what to think about, those beliefs that are holding you back, known as your self-limiting beliefs, will keep you trapped.

3. Fear

You’re afraid and that fear (fear of failure, rejection, judgement, the unknown, etc.) is preventing you from taking action.

Fear is hard-wired in to all of our brains. It is a survival mechanism, which millions of years ago, served our ancestors extremely well when trying to avoid being eaten by predators. However, the modern world is quite a bit different now, yet our brain stills responds to our own perceived threats as it did two million years ago.

Once you come to terms with the fact that fear will always be there, can you then begin to learn how to use it for your benefit and start moving forward in the face of fear instead of letting it continue to control you.

4. You are unclear on what you want

Your lack of clarity on what it is specifically that you want is causing you to feel stuck or maybe you are not even sure how to figure out what it is you want.

Maybe you have a general idea of what you want or you are focusing on what you don’t want which is causing you to spin your wheels getting you nowhere.

It’s like going on a road trip with no directions or GPS.

Until you get laser focus on what you want, that feeling of being stuck will linger on and on because you don’t have a clear, concise vision in which to navigate to.

5. Repeating the pattern

If you are feeling stuck yet you continue to do the same things repeatedly, guess what? You are going to continue to get the same outcome.

Doing the same thing continuously expecting different results is insanity.

Until you interrupt that pattern and create a new, empowering alternative, you can expect to get the same result.

6. Trying to solve it on your own

Let’s face it, if you are feeling stuck and have tried to solve this problem on your own with no success; you may think you have exhausted all of your options. Tunnel vision sets in and you can’t see beyond our own perception.

It’s time to put your pride aside and ask for help. I often say that it is together that we can become stronger individuals. Until you drop the ego and get a fresh perspective, feeling stuck will continue to be your best friend.

Now it’s your turn.

If you are feeling stuck which reasons are holding you back? How long have they held you prisoner in your life?

Contact me or share your thoughts below in the Comments section.

If you are ready to get some support and want a complimentary call with me to discover what specifically is holding you back, sign up HERE.

Remember, you are not alone on this journey. Together we can become stronger individuals.

Educate. Engage. Evolve.