Do you know what you want?

If not, is it because you are having difficulty deciding?

Or are you too focused on what you don’t want?

This quote by Ben Stein sheds light on something so many people struggle to answer, “What do you want?” It seems like such a simple question, right. Yet I’ve spoken to handfuls of men and women who, when asked this very question, have an extremely hard time at articulating an answer.

Why is that?

I think so many of us, we become entangled in our busy lives that we forget what we truly want or desire. The day-to-day grind wears us down and we begin focusing solely on what we don’t want.

The problem with that is when you focus on what you don’t want you tend to get more of what you don’t want which leads to more than half of Americans feeling stuck and unhappy.

In addition, there are so many mind-numbing distractions surrounding us that we lose touch with who we are as individuals.

I know this feeling all too well. For the longest time, I couldn’t answer that question either and experienced many years of what I like to call “zombie living.”

Zombie living is getting up every day at the same time, doing the same things over and over, drifting through life. I just existed, with no motivation or purpose, settling in relationships that are not always very satisfying, and working at jobs that are unfulfilling.

I mean, think about your life right now.

Does any of that sound like you?

It did for me. I have over 19 years of experience in a job I didn’t like and 15 years in unhealthy relationships. It wasn’t until I got clear focus on what I wanted that I was able to start making positive changes.

However, I do want to point out that it did take some time for me to figure out what it is I actually wanted in life. I didn’t just wake up and yell out, “YES!” Plus, it is something that is constantly evolving as I move and grow on my journey.

Until you take that first step to understand and decide what you want, you will have a hard time setting course in the right direction.

However, once you do, you will experience a renewed energy and enthusiasm for life. Isn’t that something you would like to experience every day?

So, I ask you again, what do you want?

Now it’s your turn.

How does this quote inspire you?

Tell me if you figured out what you want in life and are making a move towards it now. If you are unsure, how long have you been drifting?

Are you currently living the zombie life now? If so, what can you do today to start making a change?

Contact me or share your thoughts below in the Comments section.

Let’s get the discussion going.

If you are ready to get some support and want a complimentary call with me to discover what specifically is holding you back, sign up HERE.

Remember, you are not alone on this journey. Together we can become stronger individuals.

Educate. Engage. Evolve.