What are your values?

Does the life you currently live match your vision?

Are you compromising yourself for less than what you want or deserve?

Take a good hard look at your life as it is right now and decide if you are living in alignment with your values or have you allowed yourself to compromise and settle for less than what you want.

This quote by Shannon L. Alder points out how by not living a life that is in alignment with our values and dreams we end up feeling unhappy and not being the best version of ourselves.

One of the problems I often see is that many people don’t even know or have spent little time figuring out what they are about or what it is they want. They just settle for what is in front of them because they are unsure of what their values are or what they want or even have given up on their hopes and dreams.

How can you live in alignment with your values and dreams if you haven’t clearly defined what those are? It would be like someone handing you a recipe with no ingredients listed on it.

Well, imagine that recipe is your life. You’ve been given this life and it’s up to you to decide what ingredients (values and dreams) you need to create the best tasting experience you can.

However, when we don’t take the time to look within and figure out what those ingredients are for ourselves, our experience pays the consequences.

If you don’t, no one else is going to do it for you.

Can you think of any aspect(s) of your life now where you settled? You simply went with what was in front of you as opposed to checking in with yourself and deciding if it was alignment with who you are.

If so, how does it make you feel?

This can be applied to all aspects of your life, whether a career, relationship, physical and emotional health.

If the things you are doing, the people you are with, the actions you are taking are not in alignment with who you are or want to be what kind of impact has it had to your life experience thus far?

When you don’t live a life true to yourself, unhappiness is sure to follow. That unhappiness will surely linger for as long as you continue down a path of inauthenticity.

Does this resonate for you?

If so, then it’s time to discover what ingredients you need to make the most amazing recipe ever. To create a life worth living based on who you are and not settling for the cards that have handed to you.

Start by getting clear about who you are as a person and what you want your life experience to be. List those out on a piece of paper so you can see them in front of you. If you are currently unhappy and this exercise enables you see that, yes, you’ve been living a life not aligned with your list, that’s ok.

The important thing to acknowledge is today is a new day, a fresh start. You can now choose how you want to live from this point moving forward.

So, get started!

Now it’s your turn.

How does this quote inspire you?

Tell me about an experience where you were not living in alignment with your values and dreams and it led to unhappiness or suffering.

Have you since been able to recognize and acknowledge what was the cause? Have you taken appropriate action to make a change? If so, how has your life improved?

If you are struggling with this currently and are in need of some support, reach out.

Contact me or share your thoughts below in the Comments section.

Let’s get the discussion going.

Remember, you are not alone on this journey. Together we can become stronger individuals.

Educate. Engage. Evolve.