When was the last time you said, “I don’t have enough time?”

In that moment, what was it specifically where you said you didn’t have enough time?

Would you agree it wasn’t that you lacked time, it just wasn’t a priority?

Take a few minutes now and maybe think back to any of those moments where perhaps a lack of time was a factor for you.

This quote by Lao Tzu strips away the excuse of there not being enough time that people sometimes use, including myself, for not getting something done. We all have enough time for everything we choose to do. It’s just the things we say we don’t have time for are things that are not a priority.

There are things in our lives at times that we consider more important than others. That’s ok.  However, by understanding this, accepting it, and taking responsibility for it you can remove the shackles you allow time to place on you.

Think about it.

Has time ever been an issue for you when you really wanted to do something, go somewhere, or see someone? I bet the answer is no. You found a way to do it. You made it happen. Yet, on the other hand, what happens when things come your way that you are like heh? What happens? It is shoved aside.

Choosing not to do something, for whatever reason that may be, is ok as long as realize you are making the choice. Time is not making the choice for you.

Uncover what your priorities are in your life so you can get clear on what it is you choose to spend your time. This way you can take full responsibility and ownership of your life instead of continuing to use time as an excuse for something either low priority or low interest.

Start making a list of all of those things you want to do or accomplish and rate them by level of importance. It could apply to any aspect of your life from finding a relationship or a new job, or pursuing a new hobby.

Whatever it is, how important is it to you? If you truly wanted it, time would not be a factor. People always find the time for those things that are most important to them.

By knowing and acknowledging this, you can now move away from using not having enough time as an excuse in your life.

Now it’s your turn.

How does this quote inspire you?

Tell me about an experience where you found yourself using time as an excuse as to why you didn’t get something done or didn’t spend time with someone. Was it really about time? Or simply your lack of interest in wanting to devote your energy and focus to whatever it was?

Are you still using lack of time as an excuse or are you able to now be honest with yourself? Are you able to recognize there are other things you choose to focus on instead?

If you are ready to get the support in becoming the best version of you, sign up for your Empowerment Coaching Complimentary Call today.


Contact me or share your thoughts below in the Comments section.

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Remember, you are not alone on this journey. Together we can become stronger individuals.

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