Do you fear rejection?

Are you often trying to live up to other people’s expectations?

Are you afraid of being who you are?

Take some time and ask yourself if you are living in alignment with who you are or are have you allowed the external noise of others around you to dictate that for you. If the latter is true, is it something you are ok with continuing or is it time to step in to the person you’ve always been but have been afraid to show it.

This quote by Avina Celeste sheds light on one of the aspects I am very passionate about and focus on in my work not only with myself but also with my clients. It’s so important to embrace who we are yet often attempt to push that aside and fit in the various molds of society’s expectations.

As we grow up, these expectations can weigh heavy on us, steering us to be a certain way or do certain things that aren’t necessarily always most comfortable to who we are as individuals. However, it’s developing the awareness to recognize it quickly and make a conscious effort to move back in alignment with whom you are.

Although if you don’t know who you are or are afraid to embrace it then it can definitely be hard to break free of those expectations of the world around you. When I say not knowing who you are, what I mean is you haven’t taken the time to look within and figure out what you are about or what your code is that you want to live by.

If that is something that resonates with you then it can be very easy to allow yourself to be wrapped up in other people’s opinions, judgments, and expectations. No one should have to live their life based on someone’s view of them.

If you are currently feeling like you are living a life inauthentic to who you are, how does it make you feel?

I often ask this question because it’s extremely powerful. People often neglect to check in with themselves, their emotions, and their intuition. They push themselves aside in order to fit into a predetermined mold created by others without ever questioning whether they actually want to do so or not.

Does that sound comfortable?

So if you are in a situation now where you know this holds true and you are ready to make a change, start by looking within. Take some time and create a short biography about yourself to help you get in touch with whom you are, what you want, and how you want to live.

In addition, if you need some help, check out my book, Self-Evolution: Break Free and Discover the Real You. It describes the process I used to look within and I know it can help you too.

Now it’s your turn.

How does this quote inspire you?

Tell me about an experience where you allowed yourself to live in accordance with someone else’s view rather than your own. What was that like and are you still living a life dictated by others perception versus your own?

Contact me or share your thoughts below in the Comments section.

Let’s get the discussion going.

Remember, you are not alone on this journey. Together we can become stronger individuals.

Educate. Engage. Evolve.