Are you feeling stuck?

Is there something blocking your progress?

Is frustration holding you back from moving forward?

If you are currently frustrated, trying desperately to breakthrough a resistance barrier that is currently slowing you down from making progress, take a step back. Start changing your focus from what is holding you up to what you ultimately want.

This quote by T.F. Hodge is a helpful reminder because there have been many times in my own experiences where my frustration in the challenges standing in front of me cause me to lose sight of the end goal.

Sometimes we lose focus on the big picture because we zoom in to that obstacle right in front of us. We turn what may be a minor bump in the road look like a mountain to climb.

Think about anything you have started or tried starting, whether that was a business, learning a new skill or hobby, or working on a project. I am sure there was a time, or even several times, when you were moving right along and you hit a wall in your progress. Did your frustration get the best of you, allowing that wall to end your quest?

I believe many people choose to give up and quit when they hit that resistance point in their progress. They feel stuck and become overly frustrated not being able to move forward. They, unfortunately, do not take a second to pull back from the immediate struggle at hand to remember what their end goal was.

However, by shifting focus to what it is you set out to achieve from the start and why you want it. In doing so, you will get that needed boost to want to ninja kick through that resistance and charge forward.

The outcome will outweigh any challenge or barrier because the benefits of succeeding go beyond the temporary frustration of feeling stuck in that moment.

There will always be obstacles and debris jumping out in front of you but keeping your eye of the prize, so to speak, will allow you to push forward.

Remember, with anything in life, it is a marathon not a sprint. Sometimes there are detours along the way but remaining focused on the end-result will dissolve frustration from getting the best of you.

Now it’s your turn.

How does this quote inspire you?

Tell me about an experience where your frustration in trying to move past a resistance barrier pushed you to a point of wanting to give up because that was the easier thing to do at that time.

Did you give up?

Were you able to look beyond that barrier to see what it was you wanted? Did you manage to push through it and move closer to your goal?

Contact me or share your thoughts below in the Comments section.

Let’s get the discussion going.

Remember, you are not alone on this journey. Together we can become stronger individuals.

Educate. Engage. Evolve.