Are you patient?

Do you constantly look for that quick-fix result?

Are you fast and furious or do you take a slow and steady approach?

Take a few minutes to think about how patient you are when it comes to the physical, financial, and emotional aspects of your life.

There are so many great quotes when it comes to patience. However, I chose this one by Barbara Johnson because I liked the visualization of it. I am certainly guilty of having that fast, furious approach. It is pedal to the metal, full speed ahead but sooner rather than later crash and burn.  Can you resonate with that?

Whether it is starting a business, wanting more money, getting in better shape, or looking for romance, the majority of us want it now! We want that quick result.

The problem with that quick result is that it typically never happens. If it does, it does not last for very long and when it eventually falls apart, we fall back faster than the speed at which we got it.

We want instant gratification and often we are not willing to invest the time and patience to achieve long, sustainable results. It also may even be the case where we do not understand the time or patience needed to achieve a specific goal in the first place.

Often times, we hear about people’s successes after they have already achieved them, not during the months, years, or even decades it took them to reach that pinnacle of success.

However, look at any of the great success stories of business people, athletes, actors, singers; the list goes on. It took time and patience to achieve that greatness. We all know the big name stars although do you know what they had to do or how long it took them to get to that level?

I am sure you if you asked them what their keys to success were patience would be one of them.

The “I want it now” mentality can be a hard one to overcome, especially when you want something bad enough. I am constantly reeling myself in, focusing more on practicing a patient approach when it comes to things like learning a new skill or creating a bigger impact with my business.

Achieving one’s goals takes time. If you focus solely on that short-term gain as opposed to the long end game result then it will be hard to practice patience.

Make patience your new best friend. Learn to appreciate the process while still moving forward to what you want at a steady and consistent pace. There is no reason to have to go from zero to hundred in two seconds. That is certainly likely to burn out your engine causing you to give up.

Try to start practicing patience today.

Now it’s your turn.

How does this quote inspire you?

How can you begin practicing patience today? Think about a hobby or passion you pursued in the past or want to pursue moving forward. What is your approach? Do you race out of the gate? Do you practice patience in what you want to achieve?

Contact me or share your thoughts below in the Comments section.

Let’s get the discussion going.

Remember, you are not alone on this journey. Together we can become stronger individuals.

Educate. Engage. Evolve.