Where does your happiness come from?

Are you relying on others to make you happy?

Or are you able to find that happiness from within?

Take a minute and think about your happiness. Are you taking personal responsibility of your happiness or are you putting that responsibility on the shoulders of others.

I recently saw a video with Will Smith sharing his insight on what creates a successful relationship. When he said the quote mentioned above, I remember frantically grabbing a pencil and writing it down because it is so true. Think about it.

Your happiness should not be dependent upon other people. If it is, you are giving away your personal power. You are allowing others to dictate how you feel. That ain’t good, is it?

But yet how many of us have done that… more than once… maybe you are doing it right now. If so, who is it that you are desperately hoping can provide you with the happiness you are looking for?

Why do we do this? How can we get so easily caught up in this web of relying on others for our happiness?

It’s because we don’t know how to make ourselves happy. We don’t know what it takes to generate happiness from within. Most people focus on the external because that’s where they think happiness should come from. They don’t look within. They don’t take the time or put in the effort to get to know themselves.

One reason for that could be they are afraid to look. They are afraid to see what lies under the surface or that they actually know what is there and would rather avoid it than to work through it.

But that’s the best part about it about it though. Seeing what those dark spots are within us and shining light on them so you can on clearing them out.

You can’t clean out a closet if you don’t know or can’t see what’s in there. When you are able to do that, you will realize you will never truly be happy until you are happy within yourself. To put the responsibility for your happiness on someone else will only end up causing a negative effect to both you and the other person.

Now it’s your turn.

How does this quote inspire you?

Tell me about an experience where you relied on someone else for your happiness. You put the responsibility on them rather than taking charge of it yourself. What happened by doing this? Did it nourish your relationship with that person or did it cause tension and discomfort?

What was it for you? And have you been able to shift that responsibility back to yourself finally realizing that your happiness is up to you?

Contact me or share your thoughts below in the Comments section.

Let’s get the discussion going.

Remember, you are not alone on this journey. Together we can become stronger individuals.

Educate. Engage. Evolve.