How often do you smile?

Do you shy away from smiling to avoid interacting with other people?

If someone smiles at you, do you return the favor?

Take a few minutes to think about how often you smile, or do not smile, throughout your day; and how it makes you and others around you feel.

This quote by Mehmet Murat ildan provides such an important message because whatever it is going on in our daily lives it completely sucks us in to a point where we often ignore the world and people around us. We are all living on this big, blue orb together and yet, everywhere I go, I see so many people with either a blank or negative expression on their faces.

If you were not aware of how powerful a smile can be, here are a few examples.

A smile can:

  • Exude positivity
  • Lower stress and anxiety
  • Cheer up a friend
  • Make you feel better when you are having a tough day
  • Start a conversation
  • Encourage trust
  • Show enthusiasm

Of course, there can be many more examples added but there is also one more I would like to mention and that is smiling is extremely contagious! When I smile at someone or he or she smiles at me, it’s hard not to want to smile back. Once that exchange happens, all of the positive benefits kick in.

I went through a period in my life where I was guilty of being a “non-smiler.”  I was a member of those expressionless people I mentioned earlier. When you are constantly like that, I can honestly say that it doesn’t make you feel good or lead to many new or positive relationships.

When you rarely smile, people either don’t want to be around you or will avoid engaging with you.

I remember several friends saying their initial perception of me was that I appeared to be mean, angry, and intimidating.  That was so far from the truth. It was not that I had anger or hostility towards others; it was, however, that I allowed my own personal problems to engulf me, keeping me closed off and distant.

Until you can see beyond on your own perceived negatives in your life, you are blind to all of the positives around you.

I needed to make a real, conscious change in my attitude. Once I became more self-aware, I realized how powerful a smile is, not only for improving my mood and overall mental health, but also in my confidence, as well as how I was connecting with other people.

I now smile as often as I can because I am so much more appreciative of my life and the world around me. It is an amazing feeling!

If I am also able to brighten someone else’s day along with my own just with a smile then it is well worth it.

Life may be challenging at times but it is also challenging for everyone else too.

Remember, there is always someone who has it worse off than you do.

Make a positive impact in someone else’s day, as well as yours.

Smile. It looks good on you!

Now it’s your turn.

How does this quote inspire you?

Tell me about an experience where a smile either by you or someone else made an impact in your day. How did it feel? Did if give you a surge of positive energy of boost your mood?

Contact me or share your thoughts below in the Comments section.

Let’s get the discussion going.

Remember, you are not alone on this journey. Together we can become stronger individuals.

Educate. Engage. Evolve.