Does your mind tell you one thing while your heart says something else?

Do you typically follow your mind or your heart?

In those instances where you listened to your mind how has your experience differed from when listening to your heart?

Take some time now and recall any past events or situations where what your mind was saying led you to take specific actions versus your heart and what each experience was like, either positive or negative.

This quote by Roy T. Bennett is a good reminder of how our minds, even though they help us approach life in a logical and rational manner, they can also hold us back at times. Our minds can  conjure up many delusional fear-based thoughts preventing us from doing what we know within ourselves to be true.

When you become stuck in your mind, you can begin to overthink things and come up with every possible worst-case scenario ever imagined. This usually leads to inaction or the rationalization as to why you should not move forward based on some underlying fear.

When fear takes over guess what happens? Nothing. It keeps you stuck, held captive in your comfort zone.

Think about any past situation where you know within your heart that something needs to change. However, in your mind, fear-based thoughts come rushing in. You start rationalizing all of the reasons why not do something different or unfamiliar. That can easily overwhelm what your heart is telling you.

Tony Robbins often says, “If you get in your head, you’re dead.” Think about how many times in your life you mind kept you stuck.

Our brains are amazing. They are such a powerful tool to help strategize with, but there comes a point where it can hinder us rather than help us when moving forward in to the unknown.

You have to trust your heart, putting faith in what you feel within you is the best decision for you, and do something about it. Otherwise, nothing will change even when you know it desperately needs to.

Which do you often listen to, your heart or your mind?

Now it’s your turn.

How does this quote inspire you?

Tell me about an experience where you were led by the thoughts swirling around in your mind. Did it actually prevent you from taking authentic, inspired action? Or did it keep you from stepping outside of your comfort zone?

If you are ready to get the support in becoming the best version of you, sign up for your Empowerment Coaching Complimentary Call today.

Contact me or share your thoughts below in the Comments section.

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Remember, you are not alone on this journey. Together we can become stronger individuals.

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