What are your thoughts on a daily basis?

Are they empowering or disempowering?

What emotions and actions are those thoughts creating?

Take some time to take inventory of what you typically think about and focus on, as well as the quality of your thoughts and how has that dictated your life experience up until now.

Our thoughts start a chain reaction that determines how we relate not only to ourselves but also to others. Our thoughts are a catalyst to the design of our life experience.

The thoughts we choose affect what we say and what we do. They affect our emotions and actions. They affect how we treat ourselves and how we respond to others.

Let that sink in for a second or two and see if you can recall a past instance where your thoughts about something or someone created a positive experience for you, as well as a negative experience.

Also, consider what it is you think about yourself and what is that doing to your internal emotional state and what actions is it then leading you to pursue.

Now, I’m not saying by doing this you can avoid experiencing a negative emotion or feeling ever again. We are human. Our emotions are one of our greatest gifts. However, if you are constantly to thinking negative shit about yourself and the world around you, it’s going to make an impact on everything you do.

If you have a good self-perception, you are feeling good about yourself, and you practice gratitude in your life, it’s going to lead to more supportive interactions and behaviors.

If, on the other hand, you are down on yourself all of the time, you think everyone is out to get you, get easily offended by other peoples’ opinions, well then it’s not going to help your emotional state, it most likely going to lead to making poor decisions, and unhealthy habits.

Take the time to be more mindful about your thoughts and notice what impact it makes moving forward because what you choose to think about plays an important factor in who you are being and your life experience.

Now it’s your turn.

How does this quote inspire you?

Tell me about an experience where your thoughts led you down a path of disempowerment. Maybe they created an undesirable outcome filled with negative or unwanted emotions and less than positive actions.

How did that affect you moving forward? Are you more consciously aware now of your internal dialog? Or is it something you still struggle with today?

If you are ready to get the support in becoming the best version of you, sign up for your Empowerment Coaching Complimentary Call today.


Contact me or share your thoughts below in the Comments section.

Let’s get the discussion going.

Remember, you are not alone on this journey. Together we can become stronger individuals.

Educate. Engage. Evolve.