Are you getting in your own way?

Are you blaming external factors for holding you back?

Is your “story” preventing you from achieving what you want?

Take a minute now and determine what the story is that you keep telling yourself and others as to why you don’t have what you want. This could relate to your career, a relationship, or your health.

This quote by Jordan Belfort is eye opening because it’s the story you constantly tell yourself every day that is determining who you are being, how you are feeling, and what actions you taking. In essence, your story determines your life. You can let it either empower you or deflate you.

People often blame the external for their unhappiness questioning why they are where they want in life. They never take the opportunity to look within to realize the only person stopping them is them. It can be rather easy to put the blame on something or someone else. However, that doesn’t feel very empowering, does it?

What if instead you reversed it and considered the fact that you are the only one that can change things?

Do you know who Nick Vujicic is?  If not, definitely look him up.

Nick was born with an extremely rare disorder in which he does not have arms and legs. Think about that for a second. Imagine that being your life.

Yet, here’s this guy, no arms or legs, and he is a painter, a swimmer, skydiver, and motivational speaker. Just witnessing that turns any bullshit excuse that you’ve said as to why you don’t have what you want to dust.

However, we let our excuses stop us. We allow our story to hold us back. What has it been for you? What is the story you’ve been telling yourself?

Now if you are completely happy in every area of your life. If you aren’t complaining about anything, you’re good. If there isn’t anything you want to change, then you are good. Although, if you are unhappy with one or more aspects of your life. If you are constantly blaming the world around you, stop right now. Step back. Determine what it is that you keeping repeating in your mind stopping you and what you can do to rewrite that internal script.

You can cry and complain about it or you can do something about it.

Your choice.

Now it’s your turn.

How does this quote inspire you?

Tell me about an experience where your story got in the way of something you wanted to accomplish or in the way of having the kind of relationship you want.

Were you able to look within and flip the script or is your story still getting in the way of achieving what you want?

Contact me or share your thoughts below in the Comments section.

Let’s get the discussion going.

Remember, you are not alone on this journey. Together we can become stronger individuals.

Educate. Engage. Evolve.