Have you ever experienced a feeling of emptiness?

Are you constantly looking to external things to make you feel whole?

Are you on a constant pursuit to find “the one” because you think they will complete you?

Take some time and acknowledge if you’ve had feelings of emptiness at one time or another and, if so, how did you go about trying to cure that feeling.

This quote by Akiroq Brost is a powerful reminder that you are already whole. No person or materialistic thing will make you complete. You already possess that wholeness within you. Yet how many people feel like they are lacking? They go through life trying to quench a feeling of emptiness. They constantly look to things and people outside of them to satisfy this need, however, they never stop and look within themselves.

Have you ever said, or have heard someone say, I just need that certain job, that bigger house, that new car, that perfect body, that relationship, and I will be complete?

However, has there ever been a time where you achieved any or all of those things and yet still felt empty inside? After the initial feeling of completeness wears off, you are left feeling just as empty as you did before.

This is especially true when it comes to relationships. We think we need a relationship with another person to feel complete. Although can you think of a past relationship or several where you had someone in your life and still felt empty?

Why is that?

It’s because you’ve never taken the time to nurture the relationship with yourself. You’ve been solely focused on what is outside of you as opposed to looking within. You don’t need anyone to make you feel whole.  You were born whole. That can’t be taken away from you unless you let it.

We all experience those moments where we feel we are lacking something. When that feeling of emptiness comes up, stop and ask yourself what is it you truly need? The answer is already within you. Sometimes all it takes is asking the right question to uncover the solution.

It could be that you are craving love, security, or attention.

Whatever it may be, when you can give yourself that with which you crave you can shift the thought of needing someone to complete you to wanting someone to enhance you.

That is empowering!

Now it’s your turn.

How does this quote inspire you?

Tell me about an experience where you were looking for something or someone to fill an emptiness you felt within you.  What was it specifically you felt you needed? Did it truly fill your need or was it a temporary fix only to leave you feeling emptier and more unfulfilled than before?

If you are ready to get the support in becoming the best version of you, sign up for your Empowerment Coaching Complimentary Call today.


Contact me or share your thoughts below in the Comments section.

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Remember, you are not alone on this journey. Together we can become stronger individuals.

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