Are you settling in a friendship or relationship?

Have you allowed yourself to remain stuck in undesirable situations because you didn’t have the inner strength to make a change?

Or were you able to stand up for yourself and walk away from those situations and people not serving you positively?

Take some time now and reflect back on any of those moments in your life where you allowed yourself to linger too long in situations or relationships you knew were not beneficial to you.

This quote by Lalah Delia is so powerful. It’s a great reminder that we get to choose the people in our lives. However, at times people linger far too long in relationships or friendships that are not serving them in a way that brings happiness, love, and growth but rather stress, pain, and suffering.

And, perhaps, for some reason they think yeah it’s not what I want but it will change or it will get better.


In those moments, when people choose to stay and settle in a toxic, negative, one-sided situation, they relinquish their personal power to the very thing causing them pain or discomfort.

Why do we do this?

It’s because we feel like this is all we can get. We feel like this is all I deserve.

Think about it…

Someone not treating you right? Walk away.

Someone doesn’t respect and value you or your time? Walk away.

Someone doesn’t appreciate what you have to offer? Walk away.

Now when I say walk away, I’m talking about getting all pissed off, angry, and annoyed at the other person. This is not about trying to retaliate or get revenge on the one not reciprocating.

There is no need for that. It’s recognizing they are not in alignment with you. They just simply are not the right one for you and that’s ok. As I mentioned earlier, we all get to choose our relationships. This is about making a conscious effort to keep those in your life that value you as you value them and to remove those that don’t.

However, when we’ve allowed ourselves to stay stuck in bad relationships, we become so focused on what we will lose even when it’s shitty. We don’t allow ourselves the opportunity to shift our focus on the potential of something greater.

In order to grow you need to be able to let go of whatever has been holding you back when if it feels scary. When you are able to take a stand for yourself, you are letting the Universe know that you recognize your value, that you love yourself, and that you deserve the love and respect you are willing to share with others as well.

That is empowering!

Now it’s your turn.

How does this quote inspire you?

Tell me about an experience where you settled for situation or relationship less than desirable. How did it feel? Also, tell me about a time where you were able to stand up for yourself and your values and what was that like for you.

In both instances, compare the feeling. Which was more empowering, walking away from something not in alignment with you or settling for what you didn’t want?

If you are currently struggling and ready to get the support in becoming the best version of you, sign up for your Empowerment Coaching Complimentary Call today.

Contact me or share your thoughts below in the Comments section.

Let’s get the discussion going.

Remember, you are not alone on this journey. Together we can become stronger individuals.

Educate. Engage. Evolve.